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Session 1: 10 weeks

Learn the basic principles of art and design through hands on projects, artist slideshows, discussions, and art and design history. Gain an appreciation for the hand lettering arts through an introductory to penmanship and typography. Bring together original images with alphabet art.

Each student will create a comprehensive study of visual communication principals and the elements of design by working with a personal motif / image / icon, a letter, and a word throughout the lesson explorations. This course is taught primarily in black and white.

THE POWER OF SYMBOLS: Alphabet and Icon

LINE & FORM: Seeing Between the Lines

SHAPE & COMPOSITION: Balance and Mood

TEXTURE & CONTRAST: Point of Focus

LIGHT & VALUE: Bringing Image to Life

PERSPECTIVE: Creating Depth, Atmosphere & Illusion

PATTERN: Tessellations and the Textures of Text

Final Project: Storyboard




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