Life is the School Love is the Lesson

Life is the School Love is the Lesson

Life is the School, Love is the Lesson by Felicia Cowden and Ian Ikaika Cowden is an educational adventure about a year long homeschooling experience on Kauai. The book is about learning and living with awareness of the environment and in collaboration with the island community.

This is a full color coffee-table style book that can be opened at any page, or read though from cover to cover. It is designed to engage children and parents who wish to learn about the richness of island life and culture and what living and learning on Kauai is like for families.


Pages of the book are color coded by author voice, or information type, so readers can easily choose the areas that are of particular interest.

We chose a photo rich collage style to keep young or home-school skeptical readers engaged.


Each spread was attentively designed with supporting photography enhancing the text.


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November 1, 2011

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