My studio helps businesses expand by making a strong visual impression through strategic design solutions across all media platforms. Integrating a variety of techniques, artistic disciplines, creative insights, technical tools, and marketing partnerships. My team and I are excited help evolve business projects to their aspired vision with authentic custom presentations. Ready to dive in?

Limor Farber   | Visual Design Innovator · Digital Strategist · Trans-Media Artist

I observe. I visualize. I conceptualize. I strategize. I actualize. I love art and people. I believe that beautiful design attracts people, and that creative expression is what drives humanity forward. I am committed to helping organizations and individuals with a great passion for their unique product, book, or service stand out in the world with compelling presentations.
Words and the shapes of letters excite me.  People and the shaping of culture intrigues me. As an artist, illustrator, scribe, and designer I create to connect – first by hand, then with technology. I have a passion for actualizing the purpose, meaning, and function of the projects I am involved in. I am inspired by nature, the elements, history, and beauty of the human spirit.
As a child I collected mud from the edge of the school grounds to build sculptures in my backyard. My logic mind engineered a space ship and every clay button was assigned a practical and necessary function. I still make buttons now in the digital world.  For me, technology is a tool for refining the inventions of the spirit – my work spans the boundary where intuition and knowledge converge.
Today in the world of graphic design, I bridge logistics with the play of communication arts. Wild innovation and practicality meet to present the essence of distinctive brand messages.  It’s a delight to be a collaborator in bringing forward the good things people are offering.

My studio helps businesses expand by making a strong visual impression through strategic design solutions across all media platforms. Integrating a variety of techniques, artistic disciplines, creative insights,  technical tools, and marketing partnerships. My team and I are excited help evolve business projects to their aspired vision with authentic custom presentations. Ready to dive in?

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