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There is no such thing as a mistake in this loose and liberating art class. Students loosen up their creative muscles by playing with a variety of media and mark making tools thus exploring and discovering the individual creative process. In this class students will be exposed to visual problems and then presented with a number of different ways in which to solve them. Students are encouraged to experiment beyond
the sample demonstrations given. The possibilities are infinite!


– Get to know about the Golden Ratio in Art History, Ancient Architecture, and Nature

– Explore Optical Illusions and Perfect Spirals

– Discover new ways of seeing mathematics concepts such as: ratio and proportion, reciprocals, repeat patterns,

– Learn how to use the compass and straight-edge to draw and measure with precision

– Learn colored pencil shading techniques

– Learn basic color theory and how to use color and atmosphere to make your drawings pop.

– Develop and eye for drawing increasingly complex geometric designs

– Learn how to draw a perfect square without using a ruler.

– Discover the magic of the cube


(Testimonial from Judy, recommended to anyone who want to compliment a math curriculum. years teaching, students enjoy… etc. fascinating for any age.)


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