Voices of the Earth

Voices of the Earth

Voices of the Earth by Scott Silverston of DreamMakers Publishing is a sweet and inspirational little book of meditations from nature.

The cover art by Steve Davis was gently modified to wrap around, highlighting details of the owl and the moon on the back, and of the Hawaiian Goddess Pele on the front.


book design: Voices of the Earth - back cover


The nature of this book is calm. Its intention is to slow down and listen. Its charm is in its simplicity.

To achieve this inward mood, the pages employ a single line of text and ample surrounding white space. The typeface choice is both light and easily legible, and carries a natural and tribal strength.


book interior layout and design for Voices of the Earth


To gently enhance the special quality of the oracle, several different nature motifs alternate throughout bordering the interior text.


Voices of the Earth by Scott Silverston  - book design by Limor Farber Design

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October 1, 2007

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