BrainWave Alchemy - website design by Limor Farber Design Studio

BrainWave Alchemy


For BrainWave Alchemy we developed a website and brand presence that represents the calm and elevated energy of brain-science based meditation products that support a relaxed, stable, and optimized state of mind. 

The site integrates e-commerce, affiliate marketing, mailing list integrated checkout, opt-ins, and the delivery of virtual product downloads.

Product and brand development consisted of logo deign, merchandising graphics for the audio downloads, web design and e-commerce pages.

We chose a colors and imagery which are both relaxing and stimulating to reflect heightened brain potential. Since the products are appropriate for anyone who wishes to quickly reach a meditative state of mind and promote the audio tools, we carefully chose a gender-neutral color scheme.


BrainWave Alchemy logo white




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